Saturday, November 7, 2009

Such is the Life of an Aspergian Parent

Hello All,

I haven't posted anything in a while. The school year has started and it has been hectic as always. Things that have recently occurred are as follows: the boys started school and homework is killing us. They both were recently sick for a week and we are still trying to catch up on homework. My husbands mom and Aunt went with me to a visit to our Psychologist and basically the summation of the family is: I am the problem to my son's negative behavior.

Parenting an Aspergian son who on the surface appears normal is challenging as hell. Why do you ask? Because EVERYONE thinks they are an expert and all my problems can be solved in a matter of minutes because all I have to do is get with the program. I mean they don't have the problems that I have with their children because THEY are assertive and take a hard stance on misbehavior. NEWS FLASH: for the most part, my son doesn't misbehave. For the most part when he is not agreeable, it is because he is on a sensory overload and to everyone who doesn't deal with this 24/7 it appears to be stubbornness and misbehavior. If I did the things, as a parent, that everyone thinks I should do, I will probably be successful in one thing, namely, having my adult son depressed and on anit depressants as an adult as my dad is because nobody understood him as a child.

Such is the life of an Aspergian Parent!!

1 comment:

twinmommie said...

You have said things that I do understand. I have 8 yr old twins. One with High Functioning Autism and one with Asperger's...most would say they are the same thing....but they are NOT!!!! My daughter was diagnosed earlier in the year with Asperger's syndrome. I completely understand about appearing "normal" on the surface and everyone else looking in and judging.......when they have no idea until the experience the neltdowns. And you are right they are NOT misbehaving on purpose. They get over stimulated, overtired and that leads to meltdowns that they can't control, but what others see as misbehaving and as parents we know need not to be yelled at...not to be spanked...but they need to be able to have a way to calm down.......we have been through a roller coaster ride with my daughter but I am seeing improvements with her. She is a very very emotional child.....she doesn't know how to express her feelings at times...

sorry to go on and on....but I understand how you are feeling as a parent with others looking in.....